

I believe that life is there 2 enj0y, 
I believe crushes are there 2 crush heart,
I believe true love is there from the start, 
I believe you should give people chances,
I believe that good things will come 2 people who work hard,
I believe great things c0me 2 pe0ple wh0 never give up, 
I believe silence will teach U something if U listen hard, 
I believe that the heart leads you in the right direction if you follow it,
I believe friends are needed n0 matter wh0 U are,
I believe family sould stick by your side,
I believe God will help U if U believe in him and trust Him, 
I believe love brings great thing, 
I believe U sh0uld always chase Ur dreams,
But m0st imp0rtantly.. 
I believe in always sh0wing y0ur true c0lours
just being Wh0 y0u arE 
and n0t tRying t0 be m0re s0me0ne 0ther than y0ur sElf..
perhaps I BELIEVE Y0U.....

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